How many minutes do you spend in the car in one week? during holidays traveling to family and friends? in one year?
After we had our third child, we no longer flew to our annual Lake Powell, Utah trip. At the end of the first day of our almost 1500 mile trek, I felt distraught. Everyone was in their own world with headsets and cd or mini dvd players. Although we were physically together, it felt like each person was in their own world. And only two plus more days to go. "No more!" I declared at the end of the day. We were in this together. The next day-not without some initial rauccous complaining- I set new travel ground rules. No more long headset days. Instead we would read books together. We would listen to cds and watch dvds as a family and discuss them, etc. This was the beginning of learning and exploring as a family, turning minutes and miles in the car into insightful discussions, important learning, and special memories.
Together, we listened to and discussed many of the audio episodes of Adventures in Odyssey. Years later when I was preparing a talk for a MOPS group, "Pay it Forward, Top Ten Tips for Passing the Torch of Truth" I asked my then 20 something year old son what was influential in the growth of his faith. One of his answers was Adventures in Odyssey. "It helped me to see how to apply God's Word into action in real life- often difficult scenarios in everyday situations."
Together we expanded our imaginations as we read books including C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia, Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House Series, etc. (Read about more book ideas here: )
Together we repeatedly listened to a 12 minute history time line set to music and talked through what happened when and where in history. Although our youngest was home schooled for a few years- the reason we got started with the timeline- it was a learning experience for all us. (For the first time in my life, I finally understood history and how it all fit together!) Everyone in our family had some history ah ha moments.Together we laughed our heads off with comedians like Tim Hawkins and Bob Smiley and books like Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Boys vs Girls series. And some times after hours in the car, we all were just stir-crazy silly.
Together, we worked on memorizing Bible verses. I picked verses-often by looking at the Lutheran Study Bible from Concordia Publishing House, which lists theme verse in the commentary at the beginning of each book of the Bible. Using index cards with a ring clip we put them in the order of the Biblical books.When we were in the car, we would review several verses. (I did not start this until my youngest was in middle school, but wished I had begun when my oldest was young. Also, I would have added who wrote the book of the Bible and when it was written.) A great overview of the Bible. A great way to strength memory. A great way to write God's word on your heart.
Calculate the minutes and hours you have with your family while you are on the road. (In Janesville, the farthest place in town was about 15 minutes away. In Austin, the farthest place in town is about an hour away; the closest is about 15 minutes. Crazy.)
Minutes and miles of valuable time to TALK, LEARN, and LAUGH together.
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