A Tragic Death. A Tragic Life. A Thrill of HOPE!

 A thrill of HOPE, a weary world REJOICES!

Listen to the podcast of this blogpost: https://anchor.fm/karen-sue-murdy/episodes/A-Tragic-Death--A-Tragic-Life-enqq6k

A tragic death...A couple in our community was suddenly killed in a car accident leaving behind their two young children, their parents, their students, their co-workers, their friends all who are deeply mourning the loss of their life.  A tragic death...a weary world.

A tragic life...A loved one in our family lives unfortunately with chronic traumatic encephalopathy dementia often not recognizing her children, her siblings, her neighbors, her friends all who are deeply mourning the loss of her mind. A tragic life...a weary world. 

With my finite mind, I cannot begin to understand an infinite God who sees and knows all-so much more than me. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."  Isaiah 55:8-9 I cannot understand why this healthy couple with 2 young children had to die like this...not my way. I cannot understand why my loved one with this devastating disease has to live like this...not my way. 

I also cannot understand why God sent His son, Jesus to be born to live on this earth, to die on the cross (conquering Satan and evil), and to rise again on the third day (conquering death) to be my Savior...not my ways; but wow do I REJOICE. We thank God His ways are higher than our ways and acknowledge we may never understand them. 

"A thrill of HOPE, a weary world REJOICES" a line from a beloved Christmas carol "O Holy Night" caught my attention the first week of advent as we lit the candle HOPE. As we wearily mourn both a tragic death and a tragic life, we REJOICE. We REJOICE in the HOPE this couple confidently proclaimed in life and in death and now in new life in Heaven: Jesus Christ is their Savior! We REJOICE in the HOPE my baptized loved one confidently lives. She asks me to pray with her; hums along when I sing "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow"; and declares, "Count your blessings": Jesus Christ is her Savior now and always.  

What tragedies are you struggling with in 2020? Covid? Relationships? Politics? What else? Whatever is happening in your life, may you HOPE in God- trusting that His ways are higher than your ways. 

May you experience a thrill of HOPE in spite of this weary world and REJOICE in the birth of our Savior, our eternal HOPE.

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