Exercising. Eating. Stewardship. Lent...How are These Related?

Four sons...Cars. Cars. Cars. Cars. (A common topic at our house.)

Throw in some beach walks contemplating stewardship; 

combined with hearing an excellent Transformation sermon and here is what happened...

My friend bought an old, but low mileage, cute Volkswagen Bug. But this car had sat immobile for too long continue reading https://blog.cph.org/read/

Let me know how I can encourage you with healthy eating and exercise!

This Lent and Easter and always: Have no fear, Jesus, our Savior, is here!

1 comment:

  1. I followed the link to the cph blog and read this great encouragement from Karen Sue about stewardship. The definition so much reminds me of raising children- entrusted to our care, but MADE by God! Thank you again KSM.
