Life lessons came this morning out of the mouths of babes or in this case, teens and twenty-something children.
Our morning family text message stream started like this:Text from Babe #: Nothing like dumping cheerios dust into your bowl to start off a Friday.
(Babe # has always detested Cheerio dust!)
Text from Babe x: It’s the little things in life… its all about outlook
You gotta see that as, “Man, I just ate ANOTHER whole box of cheerios. My life is amazing. I have an amazing beautiful wife who loves my quirks. I have an amazing job I love going to that allows me to pay not only for these cheerios, but also for my wife’s noncheerios… and so many other things. I have friends that think I’m cool. I have a family that thinks I’m even cooler. My favorite little brother is also having a great week because of his outlook. Man God is good.”
And then go back to eating your cheerios and having a great day.
Text from Babe # wife: My wife’s non cheerios

Text from Babe x: I’m telling you… 2022
Outlook - there is always a reason to see joy - don’t let preventable situations (not eating or sleeping) cloud that
Commitment - weigh your offers and pursue the ones you really love and commit to them
Dedication - between self discipline and warding off distractions, you can fully be dedicated to the people, and things you’ve committed yourself to
O.C.D. ….. it’s gonna be a thing
Text from Babe # wife: Who preached that sermon?
(Good question from Babe # wife. I was about to ask that myself!)
Text from Babe X: Came up w that over break when we were all in the car going somewhere and I was tired and without reason a little grumpy/not the best mood.
I reasoned, I am literally in the environment I wish I could be always-all of us were together, there is no reason to be anything but ecstatic. Hence outlook.
Tired also of being overburdened with commitments and feeling like I’m committed to everything but not good at anything, so doing my best to get better at saying no, and making my yes better.
And tired of being distracted. If I’m committed, I’m gonna do my absolute best.
“Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”
1 Timothy 4:12 ESV
May these words of “youth” encourage you today. O.C.D.
P.S. Maybe this should be the 2nd in a series titled, “Reasons to Persist Through Parenting Teen-Agers”

Parenting is hard.
But important.
(If you need parenting encouragement, contact me.)
But important.
(If you need parenting encouragement, contact me.)
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