Tip #8 Laugh-the More, the Better
Listen to this blogpost on Anchor https://anchor.fm/karen-sue-murdy/episodes/Courage-Through-the-Covid-19-Storm-Humor-edcq45https://anchor.fm/karen-sue-murdy/episodes/Courage-Through-the-Covid-19-Storm-Humor-edcq45
or on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/0tAib0AVYGn7i4CVofQFo1
"I have reduced my toilet paper consumption by 25%", declared my friend. "How do you know that?" I asked with amazement. She went onto explain how she decreased from four squares to three squares. Her son thought that was excessive, since he used two squares!
Just the week before, my son had informed us that "hurricane rations" of TP was six squares. Let me just say I'm a middle-ager and until now, I have never ever counted toilet paper squares! (And to be clear, I do love numbers and have a history of counting things...just never before toilet paper squares. Here is proof of my counting things .http://karensuemurdy.blogspot.com/2017/01/clutter-free-delights.html and by the way it ended up being over 8000 things that I cleared out!)
One of my favorite benefits of this pandemic is the laughter. Everywhere I turn-which of course with stay in place orders has been somewhat limited-I find humor. Facebook. Texts from family and friends. Netflix. And do you know things that are humorous are often even funnier when they are bigger? Everything in Texas IS BIGGER and for Christmas, my husband bought us an Apple TV which I pretty much never used, until pandemic lock down. Now every night the three of us gather. At supper my son always says, "Let's watch something funny tonight." That starts the ball rolling and we all share the funnies of the day on the "big screen" thanks to Apple TV. Full disclosure-our TV is a whomping big 54" screen. Laughter has many benefits: decreasing anxiety and depression (we all need that in Covid-19 craziness), releasing endorphins, creating a positive emotional environment, reducing pain, improving job performance, reducing blood sugar, etc. Read more about laughter here https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/stress-relief/art-20044456
One of my long time friends, Jean Reinbold has the spiritual gift of laughter. If you are in the room with Jean, her very contagious laugh and funny stories will soon have you rolling with laughter, too. As a social worker now, I'm sure Jean is such a blessing to all her clients.She takes Proverbs 15:13 seriously: "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken."
Here is a picture of us along with our other cheerleader friends in 8th grade:
Here is a picture of us along with our other cheerleader friends in 8th grade:
But I digress. Back to toilet paper. On February 26, my husband sent me a CDC update re: community spread of Covid-19. "Disruption to everyday life may be severe," warned Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. She mentioned that depending on each situation, schools may need to close or implement virtual learning. Businesses should be prepare with telework options. Mass gatherings may need to be closed." My husband (knowing I'm more of a day to day grocery shopper gal since H-E-B is practically next door) told me to go buy groceries and toilet paper. I did as he said, although definitely doubting the need. I made a Sam's Club run. One package of TP with 32 JUMBO+ sized rolls 271 sheets/roll! At the time I thought it was a bit silly. Well y'all know the rest of the story. Why in the world didn't I snag a second package of toilet paper?? I could have run it to my sister who has been on the toilet paper hunt. (Some of you may know how that goes. First you start looking for your favorite brand; then you are happy to settle for any decent brand; finally, you just want any toilet paper!)
A facebook post summed up my past 50 something years of toilet paper usage (including camping trips for two weeks at Lake Powell on a houseboat in the middle of nowhere): "I used to spin that toilet paper like I was on Wheel of Fortune." That was definitely me until March 20, 2020.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. I really needed to know how long that 32 JUMBO+sized rolls were going to last. I insisted that everyone in our house use the same bathroom so I could determine how many days one roll of toilet paper actually would last. I'm happy to report that since I have reduced my usage to four squares (I'm just not as good as my friend down to her three squares) and I am living with two males (one husband, one son-please don't start any false rumors) who do not use that much toilet paper apparently, one roll lasts for quite a bit longer than I thought. I've heard on Next Door post it is getting easier to buy toilet paper now. I need to go snag some more quick before the second wave of Covid-19.
Covid-19 Challenge: Set a timer for 60 minutes and when it rings, gather everyone in your household to take a one minute walk outside and around a tree or two, each person sharing something for which s/he is thankful now. REPEAT.
(If you are alone, do the same, but text someone what you are thankful for when you come back inside.)
Wash your hands. Wear a mask and do NOT touch your face-especially when you are out of your home (like going to the grocery store). Try to stay 6 feet apart from those not living in your household.
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UP NEXT TIME: Kindness
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