“Cut it Off?!”
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.
What can flesh do to me? Psalm 56:3-4
“Cut it off! Cut it off!” screamed the third grader in room 4 of the Emergency Room.
Earlier that day, my 4 boys and several neighborhood children were happily climbing on the play structure in our backyard. I briefly stepped away from grilling the pork chops,and into the kitchen. Just as I commented to my husband, that the kids were all playing so nicely together, my oldest son came rushing in from the back yard. “Colin just fell and broke his arm.”
“Right, Eeyore. I’m sure you can just tell by looking,” I contended.
“Go look for yourself,” he replied.
As I dashed outside, I saw Colin lying on the ground with what looked like 2 elbows, as a bone protruded from the middle of his lower right arm.
As my husband loaded Colin into the suburban and dashed to the ER, I called my neighbor to come over to watch the kids, so I could head to the ER, too.
Walking into the ER, I heard my son’s scream of agony and pain coming from room 4. (And I quickly requested more pain medicine for poor Colin!) Eventually the surgeon arrived and assured Colin that he would fix his arm not by cutting it off, but in surgery.
What pain causes you to plead with God to “cut it off” today? What worry? What situation? An illness personally or an illness of a loved one? A relationship issue in your marriage, with a co-worker, or someone else? A difficult financial situation for you or your grown children? Can you turn it over to the Savior? Just like Colin had to trust the doctor, can you trust in the Savior to provide exactly the care you need? Can you trust that God, in His infinite wisdom, knows and understands more than you? Our God, who cares for you so much more than the doctor who cared for Colin, loves you with an everlasting love. “But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting Ps.103:17.” God loved you enough to come to this world to be your Savior. Put your trust in God who so incredibly loves you! God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Ps. 46:1 Do not be afraid. Trust in God. Depend on the Savior.
Colin is now working on an awesome vialamp to bring light to the world. VIALAMP Read about it in the previous post or by clicking on the vialamp link above. I'm sure it is so much easier to complete his work with both arms and I'm sure he's so glad the ER staff did not listen to his pleas to "cut it off".
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