Exercise Challenge ON update! Of course my husband knew he would win big brownie points with me by taking the Exercise ON Challenge!  Last week before going to work, he asked if I could walk with him for 10 minutes!?!?! Woo hoo!! I was so happy. Every bit adds up. And he even went swimming with my 17 year old son before going to work on Wednesday.  That's what I love about exercise challenges.  We say yes to activity and exercise instead of yes to couch potatoeing. :) This week I have 331 minutes of exercise! (When you are leading the challenge, the pressure is on!) My husband has 264 minutes. How about you?? Remember 150 minutes per week is the goal. Keep reading for some encouragement.

This blog post first appeared http://blog.cph.org/everyday-faith/exercise-on-challenge-encouragement/ on October 4, 2016:
Are you taking the Exercise ON Challenge with me for the months of October and November? In the almost-nine weeks (61 days) of October and November, can you exercise a total of 1,350 minutes? For added benefits, take the Exercise ON Challenge PLUS and add weight training two days per week. Keep track of your exercise minutes. Rally your family, co-workers, or church members to take the challenge with you. Hold one another accountable. Connect with your friends and family; download and listen to a CPH book; listen to your Bible on an app; memorize Scripture; give thanks; pray. 
At the beginning of each week, schedule your exercise time each day on your calendar, just like any other appointment. Plan and schedule exercise every day; invariably some conflict will arise that will interfere with your exercise. Plan for seven days of exercise, even though you may actually exercise five or six days per week.
Exercise Guidelines:
F=Frequency: Aerobic exercise (such as walking, biking, swimming) 5–6 days/week. Strength training (weights) 2–3 days/week.
I=Intensity: “Moderate”—exercise as intensely as possible while still carrying on a conversation. On a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high), exercise at about 6–8.
T=Time: Initial goal is 150–180 minutes/week. Ultimate goal is 200–300 minutes/week.
Start with realistic goals! The “race” is for the long haul, not just for this week. Your starting point should be based on your current fitness level. If you are currently doing no exercise, start slowly with 10–15 minutes of exercise one or two times per day. Each day, gradually add a few minutes. Ideally, you will eventually reach a goal of at least 150–220 minutes per week of exercise. As you become more comfortable, you can also increase the intensity of your exercise.
Memory challenge:
“In Him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1–2
To more easily memorize a verse, write the Bible verse on an index card. Read it before and during exercise. Keep it with you and read it throughout the day.
May God’s presence permeate all of your day and life!
After you have this verse memorized, share it with your family and friends.
Autumn holds so many colorful days. HAPPY EXERCISING!

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