EXCITING times! Next week I will be leading a break-out session at Best Practices, an impressive national conference in Phoenix, AZ. where church leaders gather to share literally "best" practices. Looking forward to seeing friends, old and new. If you happen to be there, please come and hear me speak! (Guess what I'm speaking about? Exercise!!) In preparation for that, some of the resources I will be using at Best Practices are now online and available for anyone (this means YOU) to download and use. Please do!
To get to these free resources: http://www.wheatridge.org/logs
or Google Karen Sue Exercise Log OR Wheat Ridge Karen Sue
Currently these resources include:
*2 Week Physical Activity Log
*1 Month Exercise Diary
*Exercise Guidelines
*Church “Walk to” Exercise Plan to Engage Your Community
Also, in that same location online, you can check out the mini-tour of Wheat Ridge Ministry! Wheat Ridge Ministries is “Lutherans seeding new ministries of health and hope in the name of the healing Christ.”
If you have any questions, let me know!
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