From New Year's Resolutions to March Madness
Between January 1 to “March Madness” what happened to your exercise resolutions? In WI, GA, TX and all over the country, ice-covered sidewalks, freezing polar vortex temperatures, and seemingly endless snowflakes have sent people retreating to indoors, and often seeking haven under a warm blanket. Exercise resolutions were frozen out. But spring is coming! Along with spring, comes “March Madness.” A challenge to you: before you hunker down (or maybe you stand & shout!) to watch “March Madness”, first retrieve your resolutions, dust off your exercise shoes, and pound the spring pavement. Each day make a commitment to exercise 30 minutes before you even turn on the game to watch a single moment of “March Madness.”
First comes the plan. When will you exercise? Pick a time of day. For some, right off the bat in the morning works best. For others, having a midday break with exercise works well. Right after work or late afternoon may suit others. Perhaps the best exercise time may be a combination of the above. Ten minutes in the morning, ten minutes at lunch break and ten minutes right after work. Another scenario could be 15 minutes before breakfast and 15 minutes before dinner. Examine your personal schedule. Pick a time that will work for you. Write your exercise time as an appointment on your calendar for everyday. Certainly some days will require flexibility and adaptability.
Next, pick where you will exercise. With the weather improving, most of the ice is melting and temperatures are warming, so thankfully outside may now be an option. Trails, school tracks, sidewalks in your neighborhood could all be choices. Indoor opportunities include the mall, home exercise equipment, YMCA, or a health club. Fortunately, quite a variety of health clubs are now available and some even have individual day passes.
Frequently, people think exercise is boring. What will you think about while you exercise? Physical exercise is for far more than just the leg muscles. Refreshingly, exercise is great for the mind and spirit, too! 1 Chronicles 16:11 asserts, “ Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” Exercise is the perfect time to seek the Lord’s presence. While you are walking, think about any or all of the following prayer options using the acronym, ACTS:
Adore and praise God for who he is: Almighty, Beautiful Savior, Creator, Deliverer, Faithful, Good Shepherd,etc. The psalmist declares in Psalm 102:18, “Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord.”
Confess. Especially, during this Lenten season of pondering Jesus, the Savior’s journey to the cross, take the time to examine, scrutinze, & confess. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9.
Thankfulness! Joyfully, give thanks to God. Thank the Lord that spring is coming! Thank God for abundant blessings including faith, family, and freedom. “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thes. 5:18.
Supplication. What a blessing to bring before the almighty God our requests! While pounding the pavement, pour out your prayer requests to our Perfect Provider. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6.
Although the fitness level of the basketball players in “March Madness” is far beyond the normal person, moving from couch potato to exerciser is possible for almost everyone! Take the 30 minute exercise challenge. Planning for when, where, and what will spring your frozen New Year’s exercise resolutions into action. Delightfully, at the same time, seek God’s presence!
“ Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!”
1 Chronicles. 16:11
Great advice!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'm inspired to pound the pavement AND praise my Lord! As a planner, the "when, where, and what" really puts a spring in my step to make time for exercise AND prayer! The Scriptures you've chosen for the ACTS of prayer are so perfect, too. Again, THANKS!